If you’re looking for something a little more representative of spring, come to Discovery World, March 9th. We have a little something from down under for you, Australian Spiney Walking Sticks! It has been nearly 20 year since I’ve had these in my show and they are wonderful! Australian Walking Sticks (extatosoma tiaratum) are NOT what we typically think of as a walking stick. They’re fat, leafy looking and spiney.
Their native food is Eucalyptus. In captivity, they can be kept on Bramble, Eucalyptus, Hawthorn, Oak, Pyracantha, Raspberry, and Rose. They are very alien looking and not what most of us would picture as a “walking stick.” When threatened, they display a defensive “scorpion” pose, with the abdomen bent toward the head. They can also give a kick with their spiny legs.
Want to know what it’s like to hold one? Well then, come visit our next show at Discovery World, March 9th!
Earlier this week we sent out an email asking for your help with our mission to build our permanent location. (SEE DETAILS HERE) If you didn’t get that email, well, you may wish to check your spam folder… or click here.
This is a summary of what we are asking of you. Some of which take absolutely no effort on your part but truly help us.
- DONATE – this always helps
- SHOP OUR STORE: see below for details
- SHARE, SHARE, AND SHARE: Tell your teachers, principals, librarians, scout leaders and other parents about what we do. Share our blogs and posts. Share it on social media or anyplace or group you think may have an interest. Share our promo video here.
- SUBSCRIBE TO YOUTUBE CHANNEL: This one is of the least effort and a huge factor for us. Click here to subscribe. Watch our pilot episode WHO WANTS TO BE AN ENTOMOLOGIST? free and be kept up to date on our new series coming out this summer.
We are in need of grant writers, graphic designers, photographers, video production assistants, bloggers, salespeople, web designers, etc etc. Have a skill to share we haven’t mentioned? – that’s fine too. Have spare time? We can help you with that.
Join our Sunday event Sunday Science Cinema. This is a Facebook event I created to endure the winter months. It’s going on longer than intended 🙂 Every Sunday we post a new science video. All videos are posted to the event itself. Join the event and get notifications of newly posted videos and watch past episodes. The videos are the best of the best I’ve come across on YouTube. (I do appreciate suggestions as well) All videos are posted to the event page.
This week is another chance to win a free t-shirt. It took some time and tweaking but we finally have our T-shirt shop directly on our website. You can now view all our collections and different designs. Many new designs and products will be up as the year progresses. As a “Thank You,” for subscribing to our newsletter, you can use this code CREEPYFRIEND for %15 off your entire first order. Share the code with friends if you like and feel free to share our products on social media. We appreciate it.
Be the first to fill out and submit the form below and you win!
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