


Earlier this week we sent out an email asking for your help with our mission to build our permanent location. (SEE DETAILS HERE) If you didn’t get that email, well, you may wish to check your spam folder… or click here. 
This is a summary of what we are asking of you. Some of which take absolutely no effort on your part but truly help us.


We are in need of grant writers, graphic designers, photographers, video production assistants, bloggers, salespeople, web designers, etc etc.  Have a skill to share we haven’t mentioned? – that’s fine too.  Have spare time? We can help you with that.


Be the first to fill out and submit the form below and you win!


Hello everyone and welcome to our February newsletter.  Much is happening in the way of the Gateway Science Tour.  While it may seem that little has progressed toward our goal, nothing could be farther from the truth. While the really big news will have to wait a little while longer, the Gateway Science Center is on it’s way to nonprofit status.  This is long overdue but will greatly speed up our progress.

Many of you have marveled at the display cases featured at my show.  That’s nuthin.  Yesterday, I was gifted with 6 new display cases from world-renowned collector Dan Capps.  They are absolutely STUNNING!


Last summer I began filming a new series for YouTube.  To those of you who have never filmed anything outdoors in Wisconsin this may not seem like that big of a deal.  I want you to think about our weather, clouds, wind and sun. No two days are the same and getting video from one day to match the next is a pain.  BUT I did manage to get some things done. Then it sat on my computer for 6 months. Well the good news is that I have finally started all the editing and it is coming together very nicely.  

My favorite piece I’m working on is on Dung beetles.  One of my very good friends took me to an exotic animal sanctuary and said, “You want dung?  I’ll show you dung.”  It was probably the most fun I’ve ever had filming and made lots of new animal friends.  They weren’t always cooperative but still a very good day of filming.

Gateway Science Center Project

As many of you know, the whole reason the Creepy Crawly Zoo is on tour again is because of the Gateway Science Center. Many of you have asked how you can help to make this place a reality. While monetary donations are always appreciated, the following is a list of things you can do. Most of these suggestions do not require much effort on your part, but they are of enormous help to me and the Gateway Science Center mission.

  • · Tell a friend, teacher or librarian about the Gateway Science Center, our live show, T-shirt store, Discovery World shows and YouTube channel! If you tell two friends and they tell two friends and so on and so on – well, you get the idea. You can tell someone in conversation or spread the word on social media. When posting about it please include a few words of endorsement. That makes a big difference.

Over the last two decades with the live show, 95% of my business has always been word of mouth. You, the people, have always been the reason this show endured.

 Our goal is to reach 1000 subscribers.

  • · Like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter
  • · Write a blog. If you or anyone you know has some creative writing skills, a blog about the Gateway Science Center project would be of enormous value. So valuable that we have offered our customers a $75 discount off a live show for this.
  • · Become a sponsor. If you have a business and would like to become a sponsor, please message me and I will send you information about what I can do for you. While the Creepy Crawly Zoo is currently not a non-profit organization most of our clients are. You can make a donation to a school or schools for our visit. This helps out schools and you or your donation is tax-deductible.

If you have any other suggestions I am always willing to listen.

Congratulations Dawn Hudnell!  You are this month’s t-shirt winner!
