Hello Science Enthusiasts! The COVID pandemic has brought us to our creative knees in how to continue our mission. I mean how do you create a personally engaging experience, without being there to personally engage?
As many of you may know, we have begun a virtual reality project designed to give you that personal immersive experience. We are investing in 2 macro 360 cameras that will give you the perspective of being 2″ tall. Not only are we going to take you into our terrariums with our animals, but also into the real world as well. It will be as terrifying as it is fascinating and possibly even dwarf Jurassic Park! I mean, who hasn’t fantasized about being 2″ tall and in a terrarium with a Goliath Bird Eater?!
We will be the first and only one’s in the world to bring you this experience – here – on our website!
Our project is so exciting that Merge Edu has decided to collaborate with us on the project to bring you the best experience ever! If you are not familiar with Merge Edu, we STRONGLY suggest you check them out. They are the leader in VR and AR education technology and your kids will lose their minds over it.
In order to make this Virtual Reality a Reality,
we need your help. We have created a Gofundme campaign for this project and would greatly appreciate your sharing it on social media. To celebrate our new partnership with Merge Edu, the first 10 donations over $150 will receive a Merge VR headset and AR cube!
Another way you can support our efforts is to purchase your copy of My Science Diary off of Amazon. It is even available on Kindle and all the proceeds go to keeping our mission going.
My Science Diary, the first activity book by, The Gateway Science Project, Inc My Science Diary is designed to hone the natural, often insane, curiosity all kids have. It is the elementary steps to a greater thought process, turning playtime into an opportunity to build critical thinking skills and scientific literacy. The world is in dire need of not just working scientists, but a population that is scientifically literate. Our story as humans is woven into the story of science; it is the story of how we left the cave to explore the stars. This endeavor was accomplished not by a handful of experts, but by thousands of curious individuals all contributing their observations and tested ideas. The story of science is full of examples of ordinary children who, because of a single moment of inspiration, went on to pursue science. These ordinary children grew up to make discoveries that had an impact on all of humanity. Simple questions like “why does electricity affect a compass?” and “What is this mold doing in my petri dish?” led to some of the greatest advances in human civilization. With every book sold, we understand the next Newton, Einstein, Faraday, or Curie may be holding it right now. By exciting, educating, and inspiring kids, we look to spread scientific literacy so that the next generation will be ready when the next “mold in my petri dish” opportunity rears its head.
Make sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel to get all the latest updates about new videos!
While our other project is in motion, we will continue our video series on YouTube and our monthly newsletters. With the help of Ryan Kresse, a wonderful writer, we will be bringing you the “Bug of the Month” and other exciting articles including what you can find in the winter and keeping your own Creepy Crawly Zoo.
The Merge Cube is an absolutely FANTASTIC product for your child’s education. Want to try it out for free? Click on the image and you can download and print out your own to make at home. Courtesy of Merge Edu.